Polymorphic join query with conditions on both ends


I have a polymorphic association between Company and Address.

class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :addressable, :polymorphic => true

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :addresses, :as => :addressable, :dependent => :destroy

I want to fetch all addresses that fulfills conditions on both Company
and Address. The following query does not work but it illustrates what
I want to achieve.

Address.all :joins => :companies, :conditions => { :companies =>
{ :reseller => true }, :addresses => { :geocoded => true } }

The following SQL query does the job but I want to do it with a single
Active Record Query. Is that possible?

SELECT addresses.* FROM addresses
INNER JOIN companies ON companies.id = addresses.addressable_id AND
addresses.addressable_type = ‘Company’
WHERE (addresses.geocoded = ‘t’
AND addresses.address_type = 2
AND companies.reseller = ‘t’
AND companies.enabled = ‘t’)

Hi Rick and thanks for your answer,

The problem is not the nested hash but the fact that there is no
assoiciation named :companies. Address belongs to :addressable… So
my query should read:

Address.all :joins => :addressable, :conditions => { :companies =>
{ :reseller => true }, :addresses => { :geocoded => true } }

But then I get an exception:
ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError: Can not eagerly load the
polymorphic association :addressable

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Erik Dahlstrand
[email protected] wrote:

has_many :addresses, :as => :addressable, :dependent => :destroy

I want to fetch all addresses that fulfills conditions on both Company
and Address. The following query does not work but it illustrates what
I want to achieve.

Address.all :joins => :companies, :conditions => { :companies =>
{ :reseller => true }, :addresses => { :geocoded => true } }

As far as I know, you can’t use a nested hash for :conditions

The following SQL query does the job but I want to do it with a single
Active Record Query. Is that possible?

SELECT addresses.* FROM addresses
INNER JOIN companies ON companies.id = addresses.addressable_id AND
addresses.addressable_type = ‘Company’
WHERE (addresses.geocoded = ‘t’
AND addresses.address_type = 2
AND companies.reseller = ‘t’
AND companies.enabled = ‘t’)

Well that’s not the query I’d have expected from your nested hash
condition if it worked, but something like this

Address.find(:all, :joins => :companies, :conditions =>
['addresses.geocoded = ? AND addresses.address_type = ? andd
companies.reseller = ? AND companies.enables = ', true, 2, true,

Might work.

Rick DeNatale

Blog: http://talklikeaduck.denhaven2.com/
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