Polyglot version 0.1.0 has been released!
Allows custom language loaders for specified file extensions to be
hooked into require.
For anyone who’s ever needed to load non-Ruby file types, especially to
a fully-custom DSL (as opposed to a Ruby DSL), this gem allows you to
simply require
the file-type handler, then require your file.
The file-type handler is a loader for files identified by your special
filename extension.
It registers itself with polyglot, which aliases Kernel.require.
When you then require “myfile”, polyglot will first attempt a normal
Ruby ‘require’, and
if that fails, will search the Ruby load path for a filename matching
any of the registered
extensions, and call the loader for that extension.
As an example, I’m building a query language called CQL. *.cql files can
be loaded by a
parser which creates Ruby classes. All I have to do is:
require “cql”
require “myqueries”
and the CQL loader will load “myqueries.cql”.
You might need to wait a few hours for the gem to populate into the
Clifford H…