The core team is looking to revamp the bin/radiant script in the next
release and we are thinking of dropping support for the --unpack flag.
The unpack flag extracts the entire source tree from the Radiant gem and
allows you to run the gem in “application” mode rather than “instance”
mode. Presently, it is becoming a pain to create an upgrade script
unpacked Radiant applications, thus we are considering dropping support
for them from the Radiant command. If we did this, you could still
extract Radiant from a tar file to run it in unpacked “application”
mode, but you would be on your own when it comes to upgrading it.
Upgrading would still be supported for applications running in instance
The pole:
Did you install Radiant from source or use the gem?
If you installed Radiant using the gem, did you use the --unpack flag
with the radiant command?
Would you mind if we dropped support for upgrading unpacked Radiant
applications (apps installed using the --unpack flag) if it
means that Radiant releases can occur more frequently?
The more people who respond the better.
John L.
On 1/15/07, John W. Long [email protected] wrote:
The core team is looking to revamp the bin/radiant script in the next
release and we are thinking of dropping support for the --unpack flag.
If user want to unpack a specific gem, he could use gem unpack ‘gem
name’ instead.
The pole:
- Did you install Radiant from source or use the gem?
To create extensions: from source (svn checkout)
To deploy: gem mode
- If you installed Radiant using the gem, did you use the --unpack flag
with the radiant command?
Even I added that command to the original script, never used it.
- Would you mind if we dropped support for upgrading unpacked Radiant
applications (apps installed using the --unpack flag) if it
means that Radiant releases can occur more frequently?
I’m not a Radiant Core developer, but guess maintain the upgrade logic
between version is a real pain.
The more people who respond the better.
Hope my comments on this worth something
Luis L.
Multimedia systems
Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort,
which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that
is worthwhile.
Vince Lombardi
- Did you install Radiant from source or use the gem?
All installs of radiant that I have performed (both dev and production)
been from source.
- If you installed Radiant using the gem, did you use the --unpack flag
with the radiant command?
- Would you mind if we dropped support for upgrading unpacked Radiant
applications (apps installed using the --unpack flag) if it
means that Radiant releases can occur more frequently?
I didn’t even know there was support for installing/ upgrading in such a
way. Anything that reduces core development efforts and speeds up
gets a thumbs up from me.
On 1/15/07, John W. Long [email protected] wrote:
The pole:
- Did you install Radiant from source or use the gem?
- If you installed Radiant using the gem, did you use the --unpack flag
with the radiant command?
- Would you mind if we dropped support for upgrading unpacked Radiant
applications (apps installed using the --unpack flag) if it
means that Radiant releases can occur more frequently?
No, I would not mind. Anything to smooth the release process! I think
people who want an “unpacked” version should just get the source via
download or svn.
Quoting “John W. Long” [email protected]:
The pole:
- Did you install Radiant from source or use the gem?
If you installed Radiant using the gem, did you use the --unpack flag
with the radiant command?
Would you mind if we dropped support for upgrading unpacked Radiant
applications (apps installed using the --unpack flag) if it
means that Radiant releases can occur more frequently?
wouldn’t mind at all - prefer more frequent releases
- Did you install Radiant from source or use the gem?
- If you installed Radiant using the gem, did you use the --unpack flag
with the radiant command?
Yes – Dreamhost’s ruby server ATM on 2 servers (Confirmed now) does not
respond well to custom-installed gems. I had to unpack radiant and then
had to toss radius into the vendor/ folder to make work properly on
dreamhost. Any suggestions how to correct before I release my tutorial
on how to get the web server’s engine to recognize the personal
installation of gem? Yes, I made .bash_profile and source’d it. Also
made .gemrc. Restarted dispatch.fcgi (Currently running) and won’t pick
up these two gems (Others work) – Yes, I did chmod those as well.
- Would you mind if we dropped support for upgrading unpacked Radiant
applications (apps installed using the --unpack flag) if it
means that Radiant releases can occur more frequently?
I would mind for now just because dreamhost’s gem is goofed. Will work
more on it this weekend to try to make it work to maybe make a better
‘Install your own gems on DreamHost’ tutorial as well. If I could make
it work, I have no problems.
John W. Long schrieb:
The pole:
- Did you install Radiant from source or use the gem?
- If you installed Radiant using the gem, did you use the --unpack flag
with the radiant command?
No. Didn’t even know that this flag exists :-/
- Would you mind if we dropped support for upgrading unpacked Radiant
applications (apps installed using the --unpack flag) if it
means that Radiant releases can occur more frequently?
The more people who respond the better.
Wouldn’t mind it. More releases? … Great!
Best regards,
Andreas S.
(grooming the goatee, now rolling my hypothetical mustage a la
Dali)…err…could we add to the backlog a poll behaviour to
Radiant? (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).
source / no / Would I mind?? Are you kidding?
I don’t see how folks can use Radiant in instance mode anyway. These
folks don’t add stuff to Radiant at all?
- Did you install Radiant from source or use the gem?
- If you installed Radiant using the gem, did you use the --unpack
with the radiant command?
- Would you mind if we dropped support for upgrading unpacked Radiant
applications (apps installed using the --unpack flag) if it
means that Radiant releases can occur more frequently?
Cheers, Joannou.
- Did you install Radiant from source or use the gem?
- If you installed Radiant using the gem, did you use the --unpack
with the radiant command?
- Would you mind if we dropped support for upgrading unpacked Radiant
applications (apps installed using the --unpack flag) if it
means that Radiant releases can occur more frequently?
Not at all. More frequent releases would be great. I think it’s
entirely sensible to drop the --unpack luxury if it’s at all costly
to keep.
Loren J.
FN Group
John W. Long wrote:
The core team is looking to revamp the bin/radiant script in the next
release and we are thinking of dropping support for the --unpack flag.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Sounds like we can drop it.
John L.