Today’s Topics:
- Re: Rebuilding Gnuradio on fedora 17 (Marcus D. Leech)
- Re: Rebuilding Gnuradio on fedora 17 (Marcus D. Leech)
- Installing BBN receiver on Ubuntu 12.04 (Mohammed Karmoose)
- Re: Discuss-gnuradio Digest, Vol 121, Issue 24 (Sajjad S.)
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Sajjad S. [email protected]
To: “[email protected]” [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: Discuss-gnuradio Digest, Vol 121, Issue 24
I am using USRP1 and RFX400 daughter boards for this.
I have made some changes in the flow graph as per discussed.
When i use quad rate divisible by audio rate , i don’t have a good
demodulation, and also experiences underdamped errors,
and when i use exactly as audio rate. i have good demodulaion and also
experience overdamped.
I also want to use squelch so that i don’t hear noise when push to talk
button is not pressed, but this is not working? if u have suggestions
then it would be helpful to me.
Best Regards,
MSc Communication Engineering.