Pluto - Another Planet Generator in Ruby


I have just released the pluto gem. What’s Pluto?

Pluto is another planet generator that lets you build web pages from
published web feeds.

Use the pluto command line tool and pass in one or more planet
configuration files. Example:

pluto ruby.yml

This will

  1. fetch all feeds listed in ruby.yml and

  2. store all entries in a local database, that is, ruby.sqlite in
    your working folder and

  3. generate a planet web page, that is, ruby.html using the builtin
    blank template in your working folder using all feed entries from the
    local database.

Open up ruby.html to see your planet web page. Voila!

More info @ GitHub - feedreader/pluto: pluto gems - planet feed reader and (static) website generator - auto-build web pages from published web feeds
