Plugin to track create, update, delete on certain tables?

Hi all

I’d like to start keeping track of who has created, updated or deleted
certain of our models - eg users, resources, lessons. The ‘who’ would
generally be simply the id that is in session[:id], ie the current user.
The table to keep track would most likely have fields for user_id,
record_type, record_id, transaction_type and created_at, or names to
that effect anyway.

This seems like the sort of thing for which a plugin would already
exist, but i’ve not managed to put the right terms into google to find
one. Can anyone point me at one?


Brijesh S. wrote:

Check it out below link
GitHub - collectiveidea/acts_as_audited: acts_as_audited is now… Audited.

This plugin will keep track of model actions…

Brijesh S.

Looks perfect - thanks a lot!

Check it out below link

This plugin will keep track of model actions…

Brijesh S.

Max W. wrote:

Just installed acts_as_audited, absolutely LOVE it. Fantastic. Thanks
again for the pointer, and many thanks to the AAA team. :slight_smile:

If you like that you might also want to take a look at vestal versions.
This not only allows you to audit changes on models, but also be able to
actually see what the model looked like in the past. I know in your case
you’re mostly interested in an audit trail, but vestal versions is
certainly worth a look if you’re not aware of it.

Get a quick tutorial of it here:

Thanks Robert, i’ll check it out.

Just installed acts_as_audited, absolutely LOVE it. Fantastic. Thanks
again for the pointer, and many thanks to the AAA team. :slight_smile: