I’m trying to add in the Exception Notification plugin described in
Rails Recipe #47.
I add the following to my environment.rb file:
#ExceptionNotifier configuration
ExceptionNotifier.exception_recipients = %w(blah blah)
ExceptionNotifier.sender_address = %(“Application Error”
[email protected])
ExceptionNotifier.email_prefix = “[ESimplyOnline]”
Then I add the following to my production.rb file to add another
recipient to the list of recipients.
ExceptionNotifier.exception_recipients << %([email protected])
This entry in production.rb generates a
`const_missing’: uninitialized constant ExceptionNotifier (NameError)
when I try to start up Rails. If I remove it, Rails starts fine. So I
know that the entry in environments.rb is ok.
I am using Apache in conjunction with dispatch.fcgi. Does the
production.rb file load without knowledge of the plugins?
Should I enhance the ExceptionNotifier.exception_recipients array in
application.rb instead?