I have some data from a gnucap charging capacitor simulation and want to
plot it with gnuradio.wxgui.plot.
Has someone a python example code How to read the data produced from
in to make gnuradio.wxgui.plot plotting it out?
So I think I have to use something like PolyLine(data1, legend=
capacitor’, colour = ‘red’)
but how can I fill a python sequence,array,tuple or list with my gnucap
My data from gnucap looks like this:
#Time v(C1)
0. 0.
0.01 0.46406
0.02 0.92923
0.03 1.3717
0.04 1.7926
. .
. .
0.98 9.9254
0.99 9.9291
0. 0.
0.01 0.04768
. .
. .
Is there something ready for use in gnuradio which do the task? Or do I
to read the data in with the python file functions
(open, read, readline)
Josef V.
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 09:41, Josef V.
[email protected] wrote:
I have some data from a gnucap charging capacitor simulation and want to
plot it with gnuradio.wxgui.plot.
The plot.py file in gnuradio.wxgui is something ported over to use
within GNU Radio for the internals of the graphical flow graph
instruments–it’s not really something intended for general use. You
could see how it’s used by our scripts and do that yourself if you
wanted, though.
I recommend reading and parsing your input file with Python file
functions, then plotting it with the matplotlib library.
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 06:41:09PM +0200, Josef V. wrote:
My data from gnucap looks like this:
0.99 9.9291
Josef V.
How about just using matplotlib?
Il 15/05/2010 01:02, Eric B. ha scritto:
but how can I fill a python sequence,array,tuple or list with my gnucap
. .
to read the data in with the python file functions
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i used matplotlib with my ber experiment and it is a very powerful
library…i really incourage you using it