Please Help With Memcached Setup


I am running Nginx 0.7.67 with the Memc and Echo 3rd party modules in
trying to follow

I want to serve some static files from memcached and am trying a self
updating setup as in the following pseudocode:

if request for specified files {
  if in memcache {
    serve from memcache
  } else {
    try to put into memcache
    try to serve from memcache
    if unable to serve from memcache {
      proxy to apache

I will actually prefer to do this…:

if request for specified files {
  if in memcache {
    serve from memcache
  } else {
    try to put into memcache
    try to serve from memcache
    if unable to serve from memcache {
      [b]try to serve from disk[/b]
    if unable to serve from memcache {
      proxy to apache

…but started to get too complicated and I can get to that after I
manage to get it working in the first place

The relevant portion of my conf file is…:

location ~* ^.+\.(jpe?g|gif|png|css|js|ico|swf|dat|xml)$ {
  set $memc_cmd 'get';
  set $memc_key '$scheme://$host$request_uri';
  add_header X-Memc-Flags $memc_flags;
  error_page 404 = @add-and-retry;
  error_page 502 = @fallback;
  log_not_found  off;
  access_log /dev/null main;
location @add-and-retry {
  echo_location /memc?cmd=get&key='$scheme://$host$request_uri';
location /memc {
  set $memc_cmd $arg_cmd;
  set $memc_key $arg_key;
  set $memc_value $arg_val;
  set $memc_exptime $arg_exptime;
  error_page 404 502 = @fallback;
location @fallback {
  log_not_found  off;
  access_log /dev/null main;
  # proxy params
  include /etc/nginx/proxy.default;

…but these files do not get served at all. I.E. it doesn’t even get
passed to apache.

Please help unravel or suggest alternative(s).


Posted at Nginx Forum:

My pseudo code should have been…:

if request for specified files {
  if file in memcache {
    serve file from memcache
  [color=#FF0033][b]} else if memcache error {
      proxy to apache[/b][/color]
  } else {
    try to put into memcache
    try to serve from memcache
    if unable to serve from memcache {
      proxy to apache

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 9:43 PM, Dayo [email protected] wrote:


I am running Nginx 0.7.67 with the Memc and Echo 3rd party modules in
trying to follow

I want to serve some static files from memcached and am trying a self
updating setup as in the following pseudocode:

This is a FAQ regarding my ngx_memc module :slight_smile: And this can be done by
combining the ngx_memc and ngx_srcache modules:

The only caveat is that ngx_srcache does not cache response headers
(yet), so it’s necessary to use the , <default_type> and
<add_header> directives to explicitly set the Content-Type header and
etc. It’s probably a bad idea to combine this module with ngx_proxy
which usually returns varying response headers :slight_smile:

Support for response header caching in ngx_srcache is a TODO and
patches for this will be highly appreciated :slight_smile:


Thanks for the response.

This was experimental to see if this self updating setup can easily be
done but don’t want to go too bleeding edge so will leave it for now.



Posted at Nginx Forum: