I have a couple of (in fact more than that) questions, kindly answer
them asap:
How to use the option of --from-file in benchmark_tx.py?
I am using USRP1, gnuradio3.2.1 and RFX2400. Secondly how to use --log
option in benchmark_rx.py? From where the --from-file option reads the
input files and how to receive that file? Kindly describe these options
a little bit as well, what they exactly do?
This is how i am using it in the terminal:
./benchmark_tx.py -f 2.45G -r 512k --from-file Apress.pdf
but its not working.
When i use the log file option, it generates a file
‘clock_recovery.dat’. It never opens. What to do?
Muhammad R.