I’m a gnuradio newbie and I’m afraid I might be asking the stupidest
question ever. I was going through the narrowband benchmark codes for my
understanding, but was unable to locate the uhd.usrp_sink or
uhd.usrp_source modules as mentioned in the
You should check out the gr-uhd directory, which contains the code for
UHD components in GNU Radio.
On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Dhrubojyoti R.
Sorry for the truncated email. Here’s the problem in detail:
I’m a gnuradio newbie and I’m afraid I might be asking the stupidest
question ever. I was going through the narrowband benchmark codes for my
understanding, but was unable to locate the uhd.usrp_sink or
uhd.usrp_source modules as used in the uhd_interface.py file. Also in
transmit_path.py, I find the use of digital.mod_pkts, but once again I
cannot find it in the expected location
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/digital. Please help!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dhrubojyoti R. [email protected]
Date: Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 3:34 PM
Subject: Please Help: Unable to locate functions in benchmark code
To: [email protected]
I’m a gnuradio newbie and I’m afraid I might be asking the stupidest
question ever. I was going through the narrowband benchmark codes for my
understanding, but was unable to locate the uhd.usrp_sink or
uhd.usrp_source modules as mentioned in the
Dhrubojyoti R.
1655, North 4th Street, Apt-D
Columbus, OH-43201
Contact no.: +1-740-417-5890