Please help me with the installation of ROR

I am new to the platform.
I have used manual instaaltion.

  1. downloaded ruby latestversion and installed. ruby -v = 1.8.6
  2. downloaded .zip package of ruby gems, extracted and run setup. gem -v
    = 0.9.4
  3. downloaded all dependencies rake, activesupport,active record,
    actionpack,actionwebservice, actionmailer and installed using - gem
    gemname --local command
  4. downloaded rails.gem and installed using - gem install rails --local.
    rails -v = Rails 1.2.3
  5. added c:\ruby\bin to path variable.
  6. created an app using - rails app
  7. changed to that folder and issued - ruby script/server
    this command gives only the following output
    c:\ruby\bin\app>ruby script/server
    => Booting WEBrick server…

thats all and when i try to open a browser with http:\localhost:3000,
it says the page cannot be displayed…

please someone help me… I am using windows XP with Nortron Internet
Security… I am eally desperate of this and kindly someone help me out
of this… please…