Please Help a Newbie, Web Server Error

Can someone help fix my Ruby on Rails database.yml so I can connect to
the Localhost:3000? I’ve literally tried 20 different variations, and it
keeps giving me the same problem. I’m a big newbie, I started learning
this a week ago. Thanks. Here’s my code (I did put my password in when I
launched it):

default: &default
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8
pool: 5
username: root
socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
host: localhost

<<: *default
database: simple_cms_development

You said there’s a problem, but you don’t say what the problem is. What
error message are you getting?

Joel P. wrote in post #1180217:

You said there’s a problem, but you don’t say what the problem is. What
error message are you getting?

Sorry. I thought there was just some glaring mistake in my code. Here is
what I see when i see the site. Please see attachment.

Have you followed all the steps when setting the database up for the
first time?