On my application users can post Castings [class Casting] now i want
other users to be abel to post Comments on the Castings
views/castings/show.html.erb ’
<%= render :partial => ‘castingcomment_form’ %>
def create
@castingcomment = params[:castingcomment] )
redirect_to :controller => “castings”, :action => “show”, :id =>
# what to write here ?
The problem:
When the form validates it all works, but if create goes to a error
what to write there ? I need to render the same page (views/casting/
show.html.erb) again to show the error to the user.
Please advice me, i have been looking at this for hours.
In the create action, that typically ends up being render :action => :new
Garrett L.
On 13 Jan 2011, at 05:46, Niklas N. [email protected] wrote:
The problem:
When the form validates it all works, but if create goes to a error
what to write there ? I need to render the same page (views/casting/
show.html.erb) again to show the error to the user.
Call the render method (there are loads of ways you can call it. I’d
expect this approach to be covered by almost any “write a something app
in 5 minutes” type tutorial
Looks like you have Casting has_many :comments, and you have a comment
form on your Casting show page. If so, then you just need to render your
casting show page. But this requires you to supply the Casting show page
the @casting variable in your controller.
@casting = Casting.find(@castingcomment.casting_id)
render ‘casting/show.html.erb’
I would recommend that you not have a Castingcomment class. Say you need
comments for different models, then you could have Anothermodelcomment
class, etc. Consider having just a Comment model and create polymorphic
associations from that model.
Here’s a refernce
Here is some background for that post
Thanks, will have a look @ polymorphic associations, looks like what i
want! If i can get it to work.
Thanks again!