Please add me as a contributor

Tom asked me to open a ticket in thread: “Out-of-tree module build fails
for lack of Doxygen, despite -DENABLE_DOXYGEN=OFF”.

My Wiki account is ‘tmonahan’.

Someone please recite the required incantations.

Thanks in advance,
Tim Monahan-Mitchell

On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 03:56:25PM +0000, Monahan-Mitchell, Tim wrote:

Tom asked me to open a ticket in thread: “Out-of-tree module build fails for
lack of Doxygen, despite -DENABLE_DOXYGEN=OFF”.

My Wiki account is ‘tmonahan’.

Someone please recite the required incantations.

…and, you’re in.


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

Dipl.-Ing. Martin B.
Research Associate

Kaiserstraße 12
Building 05.01
76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 608-43790
Fax: +49 721 608-46071

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association