I am beginner for this Rails from the past 2 days I am working hard
to fix the following error
C:\Murali Rubby\demo\library>rake db:migrate
(in C:/Murali Rubby/demo/library)
== CreateBooks: migrating
– create_table(:books)
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:
Mysql::Error: Table ‘books’ already exists: CREATE TABLE books
int(11) D
EFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, created_at
time) ENGINE=InnoDB
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
I spend almost like 20 hrs but I didn’t find the way to fix it.
I am working on the example given in the tutorialpoint website…
Please help me … Thanks in advance for your time.
Krishna Venkata wrote:
I am beginner for this Rails from the past 2 days I am working hard
to fix the following error
C:\Murali Rubby\demo\library>rake db:migrate
(in C:/Murali Rubby/demo/library)
== CreateBooks: migrating
– create_table(:books)
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:
Mysql::Error: Table ‘books’ already exists: CREATE TABLE books
int(11) D
EFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, created_at
time) ENGINE=InnoDB
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
I spend almost like 20 hrs but I didn’t find the way to fix it.
I am working on the example given in the tutorialpoint website…
Please help me … Thanks in advance for your time.
You’ve already started one thread on this topic. Please refrain from
repeating yourself.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
Can you just check once again that you don’t have two migration files
creating books table? If not then you can choose books tables manually.
I mean delete books table manually from Database if you don’t have two
migration files creating books table.
Haribhau Ingale <hari31582@…> writes:
I mean delete books table manually from Database if you don’t have two
migration files creating books table.
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 3:49 PM, Haribhau Ingale
[email protected] wrote:Hi, Can you just
check once again that you don’t have two migration files creating books
If not then you can choose books tables manually.Thanks,–Haribhau
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 3:24 AM, DVM
[email protected] wrote:
I am beginner for this Rails from the past 2 days I am working hard
to fix the following error
C:\Murali Rubby\demo\library>rake db:migrate
(in C:/Murali Rubby/demo/library)
== CreateBooks: migrating
For this issue, I see the solution below on the internet, Can you try
** Add “:force => true” to your code.
create_table :books, :force => true do |t|
t.string :title, :limit => 32, :null => false
** Try again: rake db:migrate --trace, then look at the Database to see
the changes.
** This issue will be resolved by the logic in:
- We have the logic to handle this in: