My initial readings of the playstation three blurbs/“datasheets”
reveals they were incomplete. In addition to gigabit ethernet, it
does have USB support. Phil Covington pointed out this page:
and Sony is supporting the kernel development. I spoke with
knowledgeable people with Yellow Dog and have been having participating
in ongoing talks with IBM and Mercury and this has all produced some
good results.
Now if we can only get our hands on one or more of these PS3’s. If you
want to get a real laugh, search for PS3 using froogle and look at all
of the listings in the thousands of dollars. MADNESS.
Anyway, now that we have very good information, I have placed my
pre-order with Yellow Dog Linux FROM Yellow Dog Linux for $100. This is
a nonrefundable deposit. If you do this, it comes preloaded with YDL,
running when it shows up, and the delta price between PS3 and PS3+YDL is
less than them individually.
AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
"If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the
corridor in the other direction. " - Dietrich Bonhoffer
Not to mention the violence associated with just owning or wanting to
own the PS3. March/April time frame seems like a long time to wait for
a device released in November. Might as well buy one at Dayton.
Pre-Christmas shopping for hot items is insane madness. There may be
some hope in January to get one. My company has given me Boxing Day off
as a bonus. I am going to hang around and see if I can pick up a PS3
after the user has fallen into The Uncanny Valley.
What is the street price for a PS3? I read somewhere that there is $800
worth of hardware in the box. Does that make it a $1200 to $1600 toy?
Isn’t USB getting too slow for input with this type of box? How am I
going to decode and display two HDTV signals at the same time?
Just for anyone’s information, this article is stating that Sony has
fixed production issues and will try to get 1million units into stores
by December 31.
“While initial day-one launch shipment goals weren�t achievable due to
early manufacturing issues, those problems have been resolved and we
do remain focused on having one million PS3s in the pipeline by
December 31, 2006,” Karraker said.
“We will continue to utilise airfreight delivery for PlayStation 3 to
assure a steady stream of systems for North American consumers through
the end of the year.”
On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 01:27:51PM -0800, Kyle Kuypers wrote:
I think Gentoo will provide us with a very capable cross dev environment.
I’ve installed Gentoo on a PS3 and used its built-in distributed compile
and crossdev features to offload most compiling of the normal linux
binaries for the PS3 onto my workhorse machines.
OK. I’m assuming that these aren’t specific to Gentoo.
At a minimum, I’d like a generic Linux solution.
I imagine distcc will do the job (although you need the right gcc
installed on
the work machines)
On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 01:27:51PM -0800, Kyle Kuypers wrote:
BTW, does GNU Radio have an IRC chan?
Nope. Feel free to start one somewhere.
I occationally hang out at, and has recently been
joining #gnuradio (only user ), so please feel free to connect if
you want to chat about gnuradio.
Trond D.
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