I’m currently playing with routes, and can’t seem to find the solution
for this
i want to change the link of edit for a person
at the moment I have in route
map.resources :persons
and in the index of person’s view folder i have
but it creates the link to
i would like to change it like delete
I tried to do <link_to “edit”,person , :method=>:get>
but it brings me to the show, which is the problem , I would like in
routes to say all :get for this persons goes to edit and not show.
Run a
rake routes >routes.lst
then look at the routes.lst file. This wil show you all the routes that
mapping a resource generates for you by default.
What you’re trying to do is alter the default behavior of restful
routing. Your desired edit route is the default routing for show. If
you override that, then you have to provide an alternative for the show
If this is a pervasive desire that you simply must have, then I’d
suggest forgoing the restful routes in general, and dropping back to the
old routing method.
Get rid of the resource mapping, and “roll your own” routes. But the
nice thing about restful routes is the notion of programming by
I wanted to keep the restful way, but see if was possible to just edit
show as I’m not using it for person. but if it is only possible by using
the old routing method, then I guess it is not what I want.
thank you
Ar Chron wrote:
Run a
rake routes >routes.lst
then look at the routes.lst file. This wil show you all the routes that
mapping a resource generates for you by default.
What you’re trying to do is alter the default behavior of restful
routing. Your desired edit route is the default routing for show. If
you override that, then you have to provide an alternative for the show
If this is a pervasive desire that you simply must have, then I’d
suggest forgoing the restful routes in general, and dropping back to the
old routing method.
Get rid of the resource mapping, and “roll your own” routes. But the
nice thing about restful routes is the notion of programming by