Player Camera


Im pretty new. Im creating a 2d racing game and want to make the camera
to stick to the player. I have give this many thoughts and i can’t come
to any conclusion. Search this forum for answer but couldn’t find
anything. Its probally pretty simple but i just can’t understand how to
do. Anyone who may help?

Im pretty new. Im creating a 2d racing game and want to make the camera
to stick to the player. I have give this many thoughts and i can’t come
to any conclusion. Search this forum for answer but couldn’t find
anything. Its probally pretty simple but i just can’t understand how to
do. Anyone who may help?

And your question is, exactly?

And your question is, exactly?

My question is how should i do to make my player in the center of the
window all the time?

what framework are you using, or is this all hypothetical?

Roger P. wrote:

And your question is, exactly?

My question is how should i do to make my player in the center of the
window all the time?

what framework are you using, or is this all hypothetical?

Im using Gosu

Roger P. wrote:

Im pretty new. Im creating a 2d racing game and want to make the camera
to stick to the player. I have give this many thoughts and i can’t come
to any conclusion. Search this forum for answer but couldn’t find
anything. Its probally pretty simple but i just can’t understand how to
do. Anyone who may help?

And your question is, exactly?

My question is how should i do to make my player in the center of the
window all the time?

Im using Gosu

Ok, cool. You may want to ask them then, as they know more about it: