In my spare time I created a library in Ruby that mimics something I
needed at work. I call it PlanMachine9 (from outer space), and you can
find what I threw together here:
I’m not ANNouncing it yet, because it’s not packaged up or polished at
all at this stage. I’m mostly trying to gauge interest before I
potentially waste time doing that.
Do any of you look at this and say “Oh, yeah, that would work really
well for me to do____!” If so, I’d be interested in feedback around
some aspects of it:
Should state transitions resulting from events be synchronous to
the event firing, or should events be queued up and processed during a
(timed or explicit) call to #update?
Is the env variable interesting, or would you always be replacing
the machine-specific variables with direct access to variables in
other code? (For example, the ‘obstacles hit’ count used in the
example on that page could totally be an instance variable tracked on
the Elevator class itself, removing any need for ‘env’ altogether.)
Are there any aspects of the precondition/postcondition/prelude/
postlude/action setup that you think you would never use, that I
should remove to simplify things?
On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 07:30:05AM +0900, Phrogz wrote:
In my spare time I created a library in Ruby that mimics something I
needed at work. I call it PlanMachine9 (from outer space), and you can
find what I threw together here:
You may (or may not) want to change the name before the first official
release. At least when I saw it my first reaction was “Cool, some more
Plan 9 related stuff for ruby like”
On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 08:10:12AM +0900, Phrogz wrote:
You may (or may not) want to change the name before the first official
release. At least when I saw it my first reaction was “Cool, some more
Plan 9 related stuff for ruby like”
I basically had the same reaction, except I didn’t know about Ruby-IXP.
Bah, all the good puns are taken. Thanks, though. Maybe I’ll keep the
name, AND steal their bunny. Ver’ cute.
You may (or may not) want to change the name before the first official
release. At least when I saw it my first reaction was “Cool, some more
Plan 9 related stuff for ruby like”
I basically had the same reaction, except I didn’t know about Ruby-IXP.
Bah, all the good puns are taken. Thanks, though. Maybe I’ll keep the
name, AND steal their bunny. Ver’ cute.
On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 08:34:39AM +0900, Glen H. wrote:
Or Plan10 depending on how you want to pun it.
I thought about that, but that might be used as the name for a later
version of the OS, too.
I opt for “Plan9.5”.
Why not PlanKyu? (Kyu is Japanese for nine. Hopefully, I’ve got the
romaji right.)
Or Plan10 depending on how you want to pun it.
(Not a judgment, just a pun.)
Plan 27 than, who knows why?
Hrm, you may be on to something there.
Of course but stupid as usual, forgive me all non German native
Nein, nein und nochmals nein!
Ah I feel better now.