Pik 0.2.7 Released

pik version 0.2.7 has been released!

Pik is a tool to manage multiple versions of ruby on Windows.

>pik help commands

  add             Adds another ruby location to pik.
  benchmark|bench Runs bencmarks with all versions that pik is aware 

checkup|cu Checks your environment for current Ruby best
config Adds/modifies configuration options.
default Switches back to the default settings.
gem Runs the gem command with all versions that pik
is aware of.
gemsync Synchronizes gems from the version specified to
the current version.
help Displays help information.
implode Removes your pik configuration.
info Displays information about the current ruby
install|in Downloads and installs different ruby versions.
list|ls Lists ruby versions that pik is aware of.
rake Runs the rake command with all versions that pik
is aware of.
remove|rm Removes a ruby location from pik.
ruby|rb Runs ruby with all versions that pik is aware of.
run Runs command with all versions of ruby that pik
is aware of.
switch|sw|use Switches ruby versions based on patterns.
tag Adds the given tag to the current version.
tags Runs the pik command against the given tags.
uninstall|unin Deletes a ruby version from the filesystem and
removes it from Pik.
update|up updates pik.

For help on a particular command, use 'pik help COMMAND'.

You can install pik via rubygems, or the Windows installer.

=== Install pik using rubygems

>gem install pik

Successfully installed pik-0.2.6
1 gem installed

After the gem is installed, you can use the ‘pik_install’ script to
install the pik executable. Install pik to a location that’s in your
path, but someplace other than your ruby\bin dir. For instance, the
directory C:\bin is in my path:

PATH=c:\bin;C:\Program Files\Windows Resource


So I run:

>pik_install C:\bin
Thank you for using pik.

Installing to C:\bin


pik is installed

=== Install pik using the installer

If you want to install to a machine that doesn’t have Ruby installed
yet, you can download the latest msi file from
github[http://github.com/vertiginous/pik/downloads]. Or, just run:

>msiexec /i 


If you install to a directory that’s not in your path, you’ll need to
add it to the path yourself. Microsoft has good
instructions[How To Manage Environment Variables in Windows XP - Microsoft Support] on that. After
that, you should be ready to run pik.

  • If this is a first-time install, look at pik add, and pik install
    to set up your environment.

    pik add C:\ruby\IronRuby-091\bin
    Adding: 091: IronRuby on .NET
    Located at: C:/ruby/IronRuby-091/bin

    pik install ruby
    ** Downloading:
    to: c:\installs\ruby-1.9.1-p243-i386-mingw32-rc1.7z

  • If you’re upgrading from version 0.2.6, you should be able to
    upgrade with ‘pik update’

  • If you’re upgrading from a version <= 0.1.1, you’ll want to delete
    the pik.bat file
    from all of your ruby versions. Gem uninstall should do the trick.

== Changes:

0.2.7 / 2010-06-15

  • cleaner list output
  • pik switch/use is no longer case sensitive
    ‘>pik iron’ vice ‘>pik Iron’
  • created devkit implmentation (pik install devkit)
  • created devkit update command (pik devkit update) creates batch
    files if you install
    a newer version of ruby after devkit.
  • added devkit config option, if you already have it installed:

    pik config devkit=c:\ruby\devkit
    pik devkit update

  • fixed Implementations::IronRuby to catch newer versions, and ignore
    ipy packages
  • improved pik_install instructions
  • pik_install displays usage message when no argument is given
  • fixed some bugs in info command
  • fixed pik.bat to run in tcc/le
  • removed RubyGems dependency ( the executable was causing weird
    errors with plugins)
  • fixed Implementations::Ruby to catch RC1 7z files
  • fixed regression in version option