Php's chunk_split alternative in ruby

how could I chunk_split string

mylongstring = “some long long long string”

into smaller strings of length 3.

In PHP it is


What is it in ruby?

Thank you in advance!

Mister T. wrote:

irb(main):005:0> “some long long long string”.scan(/.{1,3}/)
=> [“som”, “e l”, “ong”, " lo", "ng ", “lon”, “g s”, “tri”, “ng”]

Like that? If not, you’ll need to give an example of the output you’re
trying to achieve (which is generally a good idea anyway…).

On Apr 27, 4:44 am, Mister T. [email protected] wrote:

What is it in ruby?

Thank you in advance!

Posted via

long_string = “some long long long string”
p long_string.scan(/.{3}/)

On Behalf Of Firstname Secondname:

Exactly like that :slight_smile:

Ah, do not forget, in ruby land, you can be flexible :slight_smile:

C:\family\ruby>cat test.rb
class String
alias old_split split
def split arg1=’ ', *args
case arg1
when Integer
old_split arg1, *args
end #case
end #def
end #class

p “this is a test string. okay?”.split
p “this is a test string. okay?”.split(/i/)
p “this is a test string. okay?”.split(3)

C:\family\ruby>ruby test.rb
[“this”, “is”, “a”, “test”, “string.”, “okay?”]
[“th”, "s “, “s a test str”, “ng. okay?”]
[“thi”, “s i”, “s a”, " te”, "st ", “str”, “ing”, “. o”, “kay”, “?”]

Is that ok?
kind regards -botp

Alex Y. wrote:

Mister T. wrote:

irb(main):005:0> “some long long long string”.scan(/.{1,3}/)
=> [“som”, “e l”, “ong”, " lo", "ng ", “lon”, “g s”, “tri”, “ng”]

Like that? If not, you’ll need to give an example of the output you’re
trying to achieve (which is generally a good idea anyway…).

Exactly like that :slight_smile:

Thank you :wink:

class String
alias old_split split

cool :slight_smile:

Peña, Botp wrote:

On Behalf Of Firstname Secondname:

Exactly like that :slight_smile:

Ah, do not forget, in ruby land, you can be flexible :slight_smile:

C:\family\ruby>cat test.rb
class String
alias old_split split
def split arg1=’ ', *args
case arg1
when Integer
old_split arg1, *args
end #case
end #def
end #class

p “this is a test string. okay?”.split
p “this is a test string. okay?”.split(/i/)
p “this is a test string. okay?”.split(3)

C:\family\ruby>ruby test.rb
[“this”, “is”, “a”, “test”, “string.”, “okay?”]
[“th”, "s “, “s a test str”, “ng. okay?”]
[“thi”, “s i”, “s a”, " te”, "st ", “str”, “ing”, “. o”, “kay”, “?”]

Is that ok?
kind regards -botp