Php => rails (JSON)

I have an application that creates a snippet of php in a server, for
packaging up data for JSON, using the php package “Pear.” The snippet
I create (with varying data, of course, as the application runs) is
written in php, but I really want to keep things rails-centric. Is
there a way to convert this to NOT use php, so that I am entirely Ruby
on Rails? Thanks, Janna B

<?php ini_set('include_path',ini_get('include_path').";C:\Program Files \Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs"."\pear"); require('JSON.php'); $records=array(); $records[]=array('order'=>1, 'username'=>'joeyt'); $json=new Services_JSON(); echo($json->encode($records)); ?>

On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 7:12 PM, JannaB [email protected]

\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs".“\pear”);

$records[]=array(‘order’=>1, ‘username’=>‘joeyt’);
$json=new Services_JSON();

Janna, the above PHP code simply converts a PHP array to JSON format.
Thus, you can do the equivalent in Ruby as follows:

require “json”

records = { order’=>1, ‘username’=>‘joeyt’ }.to_json

Good luck,


On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Conrad T. [email protected]


Janna, the above PHP code simply converts a PHP array to JSON format.
Thus, you can do the equivalent in Ruby as follows:

require “json”

records = { order’=>1, ‘username’=>‘joeyt’ }.to_json


require “json”

records = { ‘order’=>1, ‘username’=>‘joeyt’ }.to_json # Missed the

Magnificent! Thank you Conrad!