Php-fpm xcache

How does one enable xcache when using php-fpm?

Many thanks.

HonDev D. wrote:

How does one enable xcache when using php-fpm?

no matter what type of php-engine you are using.
Just install xcache.

In freebsd for example xcache configuration file is installed by default
/usr/local/etc/php/xcache.ini and it will by automatically parsed
after php-fpm (or other kind of php) restart.
To ensure see phpinfo();

Hi thanks,

For whatever reason this file was not added to
/usr/local/etc/php/xcache.ini when I compiled xcache.

Anyway I’ve tried everything and the only thing that works is

  <value name="php_defines">
    <value name="upload_max_filesize">4m</value>
    <value name="extension"></value>
    <value name="xcache.shm_scheme">"mmap"</value>
    <value name="xcache.size">64M</value>
    <value name="xcache.count">1</value>
    <value name="xcache.slots">8K</value>
    <value name="xcache.ttl">3600</value>
    <value name="xcache.gc_interval">1800</value>
    <value name="xcache.var_size">16M</value>
    <value name="xcache.var_count">1</value>
    <value name="xcache.var_slots">8K</value>
    <value name="xcache.var_ttl">0</value>
    <value name="xcache.var_maxttl">0</value>
    <value name="xcache.var_gc_interval">300</value>
    <value name="xcache.mmap_path">"/dev/zero"</value>
    <value name="xcache.cacher">On</value>
    <value name="xcache.stat">On</value>
    <value name="xcache.optimizer">Off</value>

HonDev D. wrote:

Hi thanks,

For whatever reason this file was not added to
/usr/local/etc/php/xcache.ini when I compiled xcache.

See phpinfo(); output.

There are some options like:
“Scan this dir for additional .ini files”

for me (freebsd) it is “/usr/local/etc/php”
So, any php configuration files, putted to this dir, will be parsed.

Anyway you can write some php options to php-fpm.conf too.

a) this isn’t the right list - the highload-php one is

b) i am not sure php-fpm passes through all the defines properly. try
using php.ini properly first…