Phoenix Ruby Users Group February Meeting Reminder

The February meeting of the Phoenix Ruby U. Group will be held on:

Monday, February 13

And held at:

Cyclone Commerce.
8388 E Hartford Dr # 100
Scottsdale, AZ

The meeting starts at 6:15 PM, and runs until about 8:00 PM or so.

Details may be found on the Refresh Phoenix wiki:

Planned topics:

  • Configuring a Web development environment
  • Tips and tricks people have for general Ruby hacking
  • Whatever else people think up

Last time, we went to Havana Cafe, at 6245 E Bell Rd., after the
meeting. I’d recommend going there again. If you have alternate
suggestions, please contact me or bring it up the Google G. list


James B.

“A language that doesn’t affect the way you think about programming is
not worth knowing.”

  • A. Perlis