The Phoenix Ruby U. Group will hold its September meeting on Monday,
September 11, 2006, at 6:15pm.
The meeting will be held at facilities graciously provided by Cyclone
Please see the group site at:
for a map and directions.
Topics: I think I’ll be talking about manipulating Trac project data
with Ruby. I’ve some Rake tasks for a some common tasks, and have been
experimenting with integrating integration tests with the Trac wiki.
There’s a fair chance I’ll be speaking pretty extemporaneously.
Plus, as always, whatever people feel compelled to talk about. It’s
always good.
We’ve made a habit of going off to the Havana Cafe on Bell Road and 64th
Street after the meeting
If you cannot make the meeting, but are free later on (8:30-ish),
consider meeting up at the restaurant.
(And if you do, please first call James B. (see for the number) so a big enough table is
The Phoenix Ruby U. Group meets on the second Monday of every month
(baring holidays), at 6:15pm, at Cyclone Commerce. Snacks and soda,
James B.
“Design depends largely on constraints.”
- Charles Eames