Brandon O. wrote:
I just found a custom matcher created by Phlip at
An RSpec HTML matcher that nests contexts · GitHub
That’s just a sketch. The real deal is at…
gem install nokogiri assert2
require ‘assert2/xhtml’
Report if that works better. You might find its inside source code is a
nicer, too.
So I added that to my project, and it mostly works great for what I’m trying
to do, and the syntax is pretty nice.
But anytime I try to use select, I get an error. I wonder if it’s
conflicting with another method somewhere else?
Use select!. That’s a missing feature in Nokogiri::HTML::Builder, and
its author
might fix it. Until then, Nokogiri and I use bangs for three reasons:
convert a misunderstanding into innocent HTML
convert potential HTML into a new keyword (:xpath!, without!)
convert an element.class shortcut into an!
So I wondered if there is a way to get around this, since I’d like to test
that my select field is there.
it "should have a subject dropdown box" do
response.body.should be_html_with {! do
label 'Subject'
select! :id => 'subject'
end # it "should have a subject dropdown box"
Notice two things, folks - Brandon started his assertion with a unique
object. That’s nearly the only way to get reasonable diagnostics. I gave
up on
trying to report the “closest match”, and now I only report the “first
extent of
HTML that matches your first element”.
Also notice that all assertions should have a “diagostic message”
facility -
like the third argument to the lowly assert_equal(in, out, message =
nil). But
assert_xhtml does not have a message=nil yet.
I’m too busy this weekend making it interpret Ajax, as a drop-in
replacement for
assert_rjs :replace_html, :label_7 do
input.Top_Ranking! :type => :checked, :value => :Y
input.cross_sale_1, :type => :hidden, :value => 7
You write the RJS you need to match (like assert_rjs classic uses), and
then you
add an assert_xhtml block, and it works on the Element.update() payload