Perspectives for unit and ui testing for Dynamic Silverlight


I just watched Jeff Wilcox videos about the Silverlight testing
and questions come to my mind.

Is this framework planned to be the “standard” testing framework for
Dynamic Silverlight as well ? Or will we build upon the spec framework
already in the IronRuby distribution ?

Writing this and after digging a bit inside the code, I believe we
could do both ways: use the spec syntax and rely either on the UI
testing framework or on mock objects, when relevant.

Any insight from the MS team ?



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I’m really interested in hear what the team have planned for testing
and the DLR.

I’m planning on spending some time grokking this and see where the
areas of concern are and whats actually there. It would be good to
hear thoughts from the team.

Do you expect people writing Ruby to use RSpec\Test::Unit? Or would it
be better for a existing C# unit testing framework (NUnit\MbUnit) to
have some DLR support?



On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Thibaut Barrère

Ben H.:

Do you expect people writing Ruby to use RSpec\Test::Unit? Or would it
be better for a existing C# unit testing framework (NUnit\MbUnit) to
have some DLR support?

There are folks today who are very interested in using IronRuby to test
existing C# code. I know that Phil H. would love to test ASP.NET MVC
using Ruby tests - see his recent blog post here:

I need to do a better job at helping folks out with scenarios around
IronRuby, but to be blunt my hands are kind of full just getting the
language and libraries to work!

Remember - we do have full time positions open for IronRuby devs on my
team :slight_smile:
