First, I found that I can not do a switch user to root (because of
rejecting the password, as explained in my
previous posting), but I can do, for example, a
su admin
and this account corresponds to my Mac OS/X administrator account. So
I tried first
gem install -r rails --include-dependencies
from the admin account - but now I get the error message
Could not find rails (> 0) in any repository
This puzzles me, because on Linux, the same works fine. Note that I
usually get this error message only
when I forget the ‘-r’ option in the gem install command.
A side remark regarding the suggestion of using “sudo” for the
install: I found that even though I can do
a “su admin”, when I do a
sudo -u admin …
the same password which was happily accepted by “su”, is now rejected.
But there is one strange thing: When I enter the password of my Mac OS
administrator account,
it is rejected by sudo! First I thought I used the wrong password, but
no: I can reproducibly switch
to my Mac Administrator account using this password, but when I supply
it to ‘sudo’, it is not
It looks to me like a “mismatch of account names”: When I list /etc/
passwd from my bash shell,
I get (of course) the user “root” as administrator. From the Mac
viewpoint, I have no user named
“root”, but I have an user with name “Administrator” having
administrator privileges (and of this,
I know the password of course). However I can not remember having ever
created a separate
password for the root user in the “Unix compatibility box”.
If you run sudo, you must enter the password for the user you’re running
sudo for. So, if you’re logged in as user john, and you type sudo
something, you must enter john’s password.
Hope that helps…
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