I’m looking for a tool that can go through the production / test log
files and give me some statistics on performance. Nothing fancy, just
the information on how much time is spent on different actions
(render / DB).
For production, I’m using a mongrel cluster, so the log file includes
the data from all instances…
pl_analyze (gem install production_log_analyzer) can do this, but
requires that your logfiles have a certain format (you need to be
using a syslog logger)
I got the gem installed and the syslogger, syslog-ng packages, but I
can’t configure the syslog correctly.
Do you know of any instructions that I can follow? I’m running on
I got the gem installed and the syslogger, syslog-ng packages, but I
can’t configure the syslog correctly.
Do you know of any instructions that I can follow? I’m running on
We let our sysadmins worry about that
In our production.rb we put