Performance analyzer from log file


I’m looking for a tool that can go through the production / test log
files and give me some statistics on performance. Nothing fancy, just
the information on how much time is spent on different actions
(render / DB).

For production, I’m using a mongrel cluster, so the log file includes
the data from all instances…

Any suggestions?


On 29 Oct 2007, at 15:37, helzer wrote:

pl_analyze (gem install production_log_analyzer) can do this, but
requires that your logfiles have a certain format (you need to be
using a syslog logger)


Hi Fred,

I got the gem installed and the syslogger, syslog-ng packages, but I
can’t configure the syslog correctly.
Do you know of any instructions that I can follow? I’m running on


On 29 Oct 2007, at 16:16, helzer wrote:

Hi Fred,

I got the gem installed and the syslogger, syslog-ng packages, but I
can’t configure the syslog correctly.
Do you know of any instructions that I can follow? I’m running on

We let our sysadmins worry about that :slight_smile:
In our production.rb we put

gem ‘rails_analyzer_tools’
require ‘analyzer_tools/syslog_logger’

config.logger = ‘re5ult’
config.logger.level = Logger::INFO
which seems to do the trick


I found myself going round in trial-and-error circles using the
syslogger solution suggested by the documentation that goes along with
those gems.

Save yourself the bother and take a look at

You will still need the gems to analyze the logs, but just use the code
provided by Geoffrey Grosenbach to get your logs into the correct