Per-Request Unique Identifier (Log Correlation)

There is information available to log by the fastcgi backend which is
not available to nginx, and vice versa (e.g., $body_bytes_sent). I need
some way to match these two logs together after the fact. This
necessarily implies a quasi-GUID guaranteed to be unique to each
request. Preferably it should be something generated by nginx and fed
to backend through a fastcgi_param (or for those using proxy, through a
request header).

One idea is to combine these:

(a) nginx worker $pid
(b) a timestamp (<=1s res.)
(c) a request counter internal to each nginx worker process.

Together, these should together fulfill all the foregoing requirements
in real-world practice. (Information leakage is not a concern, since
this will only be used internally. Efficiency is obviously paramount.)
However as far as I can tell, there is no such thing as (c), nor
anything else which can be used to uniquely identify each request.

(Yes there is other stuff which should be added to theoretically
guarantee uniqueness. I am aware of the difficulty of finding a
portable high-performance solution for that, e.g. from maildir

Any chance to get a monotonically increasing counter of requests since
worker process start? I am guessing this would take about 6 lines of
code; but like the old legend about Tesla, the trick is knowing where to
put those 6 lines! I expect many people could use this to sync logs
across nginx frontend and fastcgi or proxy backend.

Performance impact of initializing unsigned long long (>= 64-bit)
counter on worker start, ++ on each request, and keeping 8 more bytes in
memory per process is negligible to both cycles and processor cache
usage (unless there are any internal thread issues I don’t know about).
I don’t know the impact of exposing that as a $worker_request_counter
variable; but I assume nginx handles config variables with very high
efficiency. For a worker serving 1,000 req./s, uint64_t or equivalent
would overflow after about 584 million years; I think most people reload
their nginx workers more often than that.

Obviously all of the above is kind of a kludge, and any theoretically
elegant solution would be best.



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