Hi everybody,
could anybody help me in figuring out what is (even a rough estimate is
the raw computing power of a 3.0GHz Pentium IV CPU?
really thanks for help
Hi everybody,
could anybody help me in figuring out what is (even a rough estimate is
the raw computing power of a 3.0GHz Pentium IV CPU?
really thanks for help
Around 3 Gflops sustained in carefully-coded code with a good cache
miss ratio (for example, dense matrix multiplication in high-quality
BLAS library).
On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 01:10:47AM +0100, Vincenzo P. wrote:
Hi everybody,
could anybody help me in figuring out what is (even a rough estimate is OK)
the raw computing power of a 3.0GHz Pentium IV CPU?really thanks for help
Vincenzo P.
Assuming you’re coding in assembler using SSE* instructions, you can
get a sustained throughput of about 1 FLOP / clock cycle. Since
you’re not really doing that, I’d call the 3GHz P4 about 0.5 to 1.0
YMMV. Widely
On the netburst microarchitecture used in the P4 it’s really hard to get
good floating point performance because of the very deep pipeline,
scarcity of registers, and so-so FPU.
On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 11:32:57AM +0100, Vincenzo P. wrote:
just by the way… on March 6th, the Soft-DVB work will be presented in
Karlsruhe at the WSR08 software defined radio conference.greetings
That’s great. Please give us a report about the workshop when it’s
Thanks Eric.
very precious info…
just by the way… on March 6th, the Soft-DVB work will be presented in
Karlsruhe at the WSR08 software defined radio conference.
Vincenzo P. wrote:
Thanks Eric.
very precious info…
just by the way… on March 6th, the Soft-DVB work will be presented in
Karlsruhe at the WSR08 software defined radio conference.
I didn’t know of WSR08.
Seems like a very nice conference about Software Radio.
There are three GnuRadio presentations:
Session 6: GNU Radio
14:00 h GNU Radio Based Cognitive Signal Identification and
Classification Platform
W. M. Brown (Metric Systems Corporation, California, USA), J. E.
Clark III
14:25 h Implementation of OFDM Power Allocation Strategy in GNU Radio
M. Zivkovic (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), C. Liu, R. Mathar
14:50 h Soft-DVB: A Fully-Software Gnuradio-based ETSI DVB-T Modulator
V. Pelegrini (University of Pisa, Italy), G. Bacci, M. Luise
Too bad I heard about it this late, otherwise I would have applied for
doing a GnuRadio presentation too.
(It looks like the submission has been closed since nov 30 2007)
I found info about the conference at:
Greetings Martin
Martin D. schrieb:
Seems like a very nice conference about Software Radio.
Too bad I heard about it this late, otherwise I would have applied for doing a GnuRadio presentation too.
(It looks like the submission has been closed since nov 30 2007)I found info about the conference at:
I checked, and how I found out about was on a post 8/20/07 to this list
from a poster named, ‘[email protected]’ who
posted one notice. Since we had been looking for a forum to make a more
public presentation of what we’ve been
doing, I jumped on it…
John C…
John C. wrote:
Seems like a very nice conference about Software Radio.
14:50 h Soft-DVB: A Fully-Software Gnuradio-based ETSI DVB-T Modulator
from a poster named, ‘[email protected]’ who
posted one notice.
I must have missed that one.
Since we had been looking for a forum to make a more
public presentation of what we’ve been
doing, I jumped on it…
Very Good.
I am looking forward for your presentation (and the others of course)
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