PDF-Barcode-Background process questions

Hello Everyone,

I have been lurking here for awhile and now have some questions to ask
the group. I am rewriting an application from .NET and was wondering
on what gems to use and also advice on how to approach a couple of
things architecturally.

  • Best PDF component? Prawn? I will need to embed images and add
    complex form layouts.
  • Datamatrix bar code generator (image) / reader (PDF or Image)
  • Backgroud process that runs every 5 minutes(pulls images from
    WebService and saves them to Amazon S3)

Has anyone done something similar or have seen some articles/blog
posts on what im trying to do? I’m really struggling to find good
information on reading/writing barcodes.



On 21 Nov 2011, at 18:22, tmueller wrote:

  • Best PDF component? Prawn? I will need to embed images and add
    complex form layouts.

PrinceXML is the best PDF generator by far for complex layouts, but it
will cost you (http://princexml.com/). You can run Prince without a
license to try it out though, so see if it fits your requirements. The
Princely gem will integrate it in your Rails app
(GitHub - mbleigh/princely: A simple Rails wrapper for the PrinceXML PDF generation library.

  • Datamatrix bar code generator (image) / reader (PDF or Image)


  • Backgroud process that runs every 5 minutes(pulls images from
    WebService and saves them to Amazon S3)

GitHub - defunkt/resque: Moved to resque/resque or ezmobius (Ezra Zygmuntowicz) · GitHub
nanite are good options, there’s others around. There’s plenty of
posts around if you just google “background job rails3” or google the
gems I mentioned.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Thanks Peter…i’m checking them out now.