Paypal Library - How to stop payments going to sandbox

I am using the Paypal Library for ruby

I have been testing it in development mode and the paypal sandbox site.
Now I have moved my application into production mode but the paypal url
still goes to the sandbox site:

How do I change the paypal URL?


You have the information you need in the notification.rb file:

class Notification
attr_accessor :params
attr_accessor :raw

# Overwrite this url. It points to the Paypal sandbox by default.
# Please note that the Paypal technical overview (doc directory)
# speaks of a https:// address for production use. In my tests
# this https address does not in fact work.
# Example:
#   Paypal::Notification.ipn_url =
cattr_accessor :ipn_url
@@ipn_url = ‘

Tiago M.