my menu is stored in the database like that:
name path
Home root_path
Users users_path
and I create the links with link_to_remote:
<%= link_to_remote navigation.name,
:url => navigation.target,
:update => ‘contentBody’,
:method => :get %>
The problem is when I load page it looks like:
Does anyone know how to evaluate that users_path so it’s /users instead?
I have a same problem and I think the to_sym method is the solution.
If you would insert users_path into he link_to attributes, you need
“new_user”.to_sym => new_user_path
“root”.to_sym => root_path
And it’s work.
Sorry for my bad english.
Heinz S. wrote:
my menu is stored in the database like that:
name path
Home root_path
Users users_path
and I create the links with link_to_remote:
<%= link_to_remote navigation.name,
:url => navigation.target,
:update => ‘contentBody’,
:method => :get %>
The problem is when I load page it looks like:
Does anyone know how to evaluate that users_path so it’s /users instead?