Patch submitted - [#19230] Time implementation

Hey Guys,

Josh C. put a bug in my ear (thanks Josh!), so I got off my duff
submitted a patch for the Time class that’s been sitting on my laptop
months. It should have implementations for most of the basic Time
functionality save for the strftime method. It’ll pass 22 of the 55
specs. It would pass almost all of them, but the specs depend on
to set the system time zone, which I’m not sure is really possible on
Windows, and seems a little sketchy anyway (who wants specs monkeying
their system time?). I had more luck with the JRuby tests when I ran

I hope it’s useful for somebody… Cheers!
Eric N.

Thanks for submitting this, Eric!

This reminds me that I need to add a simple implementation for ENV as
well …
