TMail handles the “content-type” header field per RFC 2045.
Per the RFC you can not use /[?/=]/ in the boundary=field unless it is
quoted, MS Outlook Express (at least) violates this rule.
The fix is to check the boundary= value for the special characters and
wrap it in quotes if the special characters exist and the field is not
already quoted.
I have written a patch with failing tests for this and sent it to the
Maintainer, for anyone else, you can get it now and apply it to TMail
0.10.8 from here:
Or: The Construction Blog - Tips on Choosing Local Construction Companies
On Oct 21, 11:52 pm, “Mikel L.” [email protected] wrote:
Maintainer, for anyone else, you can get it now and apply it to TMail
0.10.8 from here:
The Construction Blog - Tips on Choosing Local Construction Companies…
Or:The Construction Blog - Tips on Choosing Local Construction Companies
Hi! I recently took over maintenance of this project from Minero A.,
as he is too busy with other things. I setup a RubyForge project and
subversion repo. If you are confident in your changes, I’d like to
give you commit privileges. Email me off list and we can discuss
On Oct 21, 7:52 pm, “Mikel L.” [email protected] wrote:
Maintainer, for anyone else, you can get it now and apply it to TMail
0.10.8 from here:
The Construction Blog - Tips on Choosing Local Construction Companies…
Or:The Construction Blog - Tips on Choosing Local Construction Companies
Thank you Mikel. I am currently trying to use this library. Thanks
for your work.
Mike B.
On Oct 21, 8:47 pm, Trans [email protected] wrote:
wrap it in quotes if the special characters exist and the field is not
Hi! I recently took over maintenance of this project from Minero A.,
as he is too busy with other things. I setup a RubyForge project and
subversion repo. If you are confident in your changes, I’d like to
give you commit privileges. Email me off list and we can discuss
Thanks for keeping this active.
Mike B.