[PATCH] Adds some new options to wx-gui instruments and grc

Hello to all users of gnuradio.

I use these changes for some time now and I think it can be useful.
This series of 4 patch adds some new options to wx-gui instruments and
grcas described above.
All the patches also added modification on gnuradio-companion to support
the new features.
The patches apply clean on master and maint

[PATCH 1/4] clean up CMakeLists swig headers in gnuradio-core io

  • These clean redundant ‘gr_histo_sink.i’ and ‘gr_oscope_sink.i’
    in gnuradio-core/src/lib/io/CMakeLists.txt

[PATCH 2/4] Add the possibility to set x axes limits on the histosink in

  • The axes limits is setted with 2 variables: range and offset.
    Internally in the block gr_histo_sink_f, the values ​of maximum and
    minimum of the histogram are checked in each frame.
    These new two variables on the other hand will force the new desired
    values of the maximum and minimum.
    If the values of the limits of frame that were searched are higher
    than desired, these are used

[PATCH 3/4] Add an option to hide the panel in wxgui instruments

  • These patch adds an option to hide the panel in wxgui instruments

[PATCH 4/4] Change the default channels labels (Ch1, Ch2…) on

  • The last one patch is a bit ugly because change the
    gnuradio-companion behavior in reading xml blocks definition
    The patch adds the possibility to change the default channels labels
    Ch2…) on wxgui_scop

Greetings to all,
Jose Quaresma

Instituto de Telecomunicações
IT Branch - Leiria - Portugal

Sorry but the previous patch [PATCH 4/4] that permits to change the
channels labels (Ch1, Ch2…) on wxgui_ scopewxgui_scope only works with
floats inputs and does not work in XY mode.
The following changes attached corrects these problems in [PATCH 4/4]
applies correctly in the maint and master branchs.

Changes in the histogram modification can be viewed in the attached

Greetings to all,
Jose Quaresma

2013/4/13 tzopik [email protected]

Hi Jose,

Could you put together the full patches you’re looking to provide for
us and create a new feature Issue on the wiki? That will help us
better keep track of things.

And please be patient with this for now. We’re working hard on getting
3.7 ready, so we might not get to this stuff immediately. So that’s
another reason to use the wiki as email can easily fall off our radar.
