Password protect site except for one page

Hi folks,

Does anyone have a nifty solution for this? The problem is that it’s a
wordpress site, so just

location / {
auth_basic “Coming soon…”;
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/security/lock;


location /demo {
auth_basic off;


doesn’t work for /demo due to static content, etc.

The only way I can think of is to directly lock the other pages rather
than /



Steve H. BSc(Hons) MIITP

Skype: sholdowa

On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 11:18:43AM +1200, Steve H. wrote:

Hi there,

auth_basic off;


doesn’t work for /demo due to static content, etc.

location /static {} ?

What are the urls that you do want to password-protect, and what are
the urls that you do not want to password-protect?

(“one page” appears not to be “one url”.)

Alternatively, could you put all of your “demo” content below /demo?


Francis D. [email protected]