Passing Params to Named Restful Routes

I am a bit of newbie and have a question:

Can you pass additional parameters to named restful routes that aren’t
nested. For example if I have a named route
classroom_path( can I also pass a or other
params without having to create nested resources?

gdevore wrote:

I am a bit of newbie and have a question:

Can you pass additional parameters to named restful routes that aren’t
nested. For example if I have a named route
classroom_path( can I also pass a or other
params without having to create nested resources?

Yes, I think so.
You have to just do something like:
classroom_path(:classroom_id =>, :otherparam =>
Notice that classroom id has to be set also as an entry in the hash,
cause you cannot mix something like:
classroom_path(, :otherparam =>

Then in the controller you receive this, you just have to ask:
if params[:otherparam]

to get the topic.