This is my code strip
contents.each do |content|
#scanning the content using regexp to fetch the url
url = content.scan(/(http://.|https://.)/i)
data = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("#{url}"))
#extracting the feeds url from ‘data’ using ‘regexp’
xml = data.scan(/<link
Now what i want is to pass the ‘xml’ variable as a parameter to the next
class but i’m not able to do that because the ‘xml’ variable is inside
an array. Can anybody please tell me about how to do it.
Arun K.
2009/3/26 Arun K. [email protected]:
This is my code strip
contents.each do |content|
#scanning the content using regexp to fetch the url
url = content.scan(/(http://.|https://.)/i)
Two notes: #scan returns a potentially empty Array and not a single
And you can make the regexp simpler and more efficient at the same time
Note also that using “.*” is dangerous because depending on your input
this may match too much.
data = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("#{url}"))
The construct “#{expr}” is better replaced by expr.to_s and in this
case, since url should be String you do not even need that.
#extracting the feeds url from 'data' using 'regexp'
xml = data.scan(/<link
Now what i want is to pass the ‘xml’ variable as a parameter to the next
class but i’m not able to do that because the ‘xml’ variable is inside
an array. Can anybody please tell me about how to do it.
Where is “xml in an array”? The variable “xml” references an Array
because you use String#scan (see above). You can simply iterate that
Array as any other Array, too. Where is the problem?
PS: Forgot to mention that apparently you still do not use the proper
tool for the job. Multiple have been named already (REXML, Nokogiri,
Hpricot etc.) in another thread.
Robert K. wrote:
2009/3/26 Arun K. [email protected]:
This is my code strip
�contents.each do |content|
� � � � � � � � � �#scanning the content using regexp to fetch the url
� � � � � � � � � �url = content.scan(/(http://.|https://.)/i)
Two notes: #scan returns a potentially empty Array and not a single
And you can make the regexp simpler and more efficient at the same time
Note also that using “.*” is dangerous because depending on your input
this may match too much.
� � � � � � � � � �data = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(“#{url}”))
The construct “#{expr}” is better replaced by expr.to_s and in this
case, since url should be String you do not even need that.
� � � � � � � � � �#extracting the feeds url from ‘data’ using ‘regexp’
� � � � � � � � � �xml = data.scan(/<link
� � � � � � � �end
Now what i want is to pass the ‘xml’ variable as a parameter to the next
class but i’m not able to do that because the ‘xml’ variable is inside
an array. Can anybody please tell me about how to do it.
Where is “xml in an array”? The variable “xml” references an Array
because you use String#scan (see above). You can simply iterate that
Array as any other Array, too. Where is the problem?
The problem is that i need to parse the xml from the feeds url and the
code for it is written in another class. So I need to pass the feed url
ie.‘xml’. Since it is written inside an iterator ie. in between each
do|content|, i cannot pass it as a prameter to the other class since xml
variable will not be accessible after the iterator ends. Please help me.
N. B. Writing the code will be more helpfull for me to understand
Arun K.
2009/3/26 Arun K. [email protected]:
Robert K. wrote:
Where is “xml in an array”? The variable “xml” references an Array
because you use String#scan (see above). You can simply iterate that
Array as any other Array, too. Where is the problem?
The problem is that i need to parse the xml from the feeds url and the
code for it is written in another class. So I need to pass the feed url
ie.‘xml’. Since it is written inside an iterator ie. in between each
do|content|, i cannot pass it as a prameter to the other class since xml
variable will not be accessible after the iterator ends. Please help me.
I don’t see how the fact that variable “xml” goes out of scope at some
point in time prevents using in a different class or method. You
simply have to pass it on at the time when it is in scope.
Frankly, I get the impression that you lack some basic understanding
of how Ruby works, especially what objects and variables are. I
suggest you work through some introductory material or search the
archives of this group - there have been numerous discussions about
call by reference etc.
Robert K. wrote:
2009/3/26 Arun K. [email protected]:
Robert K. wrote:
Where is “xml in an array”? �The variable “xml” references an Array
because you use String#scan (see above). You can simply iterate that
Array as any other Array, too. �Where is the problem?
The problem is that i need to parse the xml from the feeds url and the
code for it is written in another class. So I need to pass the feed url
ie.‘xml’. Since it is written inside an iterator ie. in between each
do|content|, i cannot pass it as a prameter to the other class since xml
variable will not be accessible after the iterator ends. Please help me.
I don’t see how the fact that variable “xml” goes out of scope at some
point in time prevents using in a different class or method. You
simply have to pass it on at the time when it is in scope.
Frankly, I get the impression that you lack some basic understanding
of how Ruby works, especially what objects and variables are. I
suggest you work through some introductory material or search the
archives of this group - there have been numerous discussions about
call by reference etc.
Thanks for the advice. As u mentioned i’m new to ruby and i have still
to learn a lot. But the problem is that i have to prepare an assignment
in ruby regarding html extraction and to parse xml feeds from the html
content. First i have to read the url from a csv file, then i should
read the html contents of the url and then parse the xml. It is a tidy
job. I have completed a major part of it until i stuck into this part.
For providing further information I’m including the code
class hello
def hi(contents)
contents.each do |content|
#scanning the content using regexp to fetch the url
url = content.scan(/(http://.|https://.)/i)
#getting the contents of the url using
‘Net::HTTP.get’ by communicating to the host server
response =
case response
when Net::HTTPSuccess then response
when Net::HTTPRedirection then response =
class extract
def parser(xmlData)
#extracting the feeds url from ‘data’ using ‘regexp’
xmlData = response.scan(/<link
#rssData = data.scan(/<link rel=“alternate”
#atomData = data.scan(/<link rel=“alternate”
if xmlData
xmlData.each do |xml|
#getting the xml contents of the xml url
using ‘Net::HTTP.get’ by communicating to the host server
tags = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(“#{xml}”))
#getting the text in between the description
values =
# storing the description in a hash
details = Hash.new
details = {“#{xml}”=>“#{values}”}
puts “Processing complete!”
As u see the ‘response’ variable is the variable to be send as a
parameter to the extract class. But it is inside an
iterator(contents.each) I cannot pass the whole content to the next
class. Can u please give me a suggestion for that
Arun K.