Passing parameter to WATIR through command line

I have below code that beautifully calls RUBY, WATIR code through
Microsoft Access.

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Call Shell(Environ$(“COMSPEC”) & " /c c:\Watir\search.rb",
End Sub

I think it will be much more beautiful if I can pass down values in the
field in Access record to this code.

For instance, when the WATIR code is as below:

require ‘watir’

ie = Watir::IE.start(“http://www.test.php”)

$parameter = “field_1”

ie.text_field(:name, “search”).value = $parameter

ie.button(:value, “Submit”).click

if the value in “field_1” can be picked from current record field in MS
Access, then I can search through this web site by choosing a value in
the list of records in Access, and click command button that will call
WATIR with parameter passed through the choice I made in Access

Could anyone tell me how I can pass down parameter values in Ruby
through the command line??

I took care of calling ruby from Access… and it will be so good if I
can call this Ruby from Access with whatever value I choose in Access
record that will be used in Ruby, WATIR…


You can also try SWExplorerAutomation SWEA (
You can access SWEA API directly from the Access code.