Passing Multiple Parameters from observe_field

I need to pass through two parameters to a controller method from an
observe_field : the value of the field and another local variable.

I can get it working for either of the two, but not for both.

This is what I’m got in the form partial I’m trying to write
(purchaser_country_id is coming in as a :local) -

Zip Code
<%= text_field 'order', 'purchaser_zipcode', :size => 20 %>

<% if Zipcode.exists?([“state_id in (select id from dbfox001.states
country_id = ?)”, purchaser_country_id]) %>

<%= ‘Zipcodes exist for ’ + purchaser_country_id.to_s %>
observe_field :order_purchaser_zipcode,
:update => ‘purchaser_loc2’,
:url => { :controller => ‘order’, :action =>
‘findzip’ },
<% else %>

<%= 'No zipcodes for ’ + purchaser_country_id.to_s %>
<% end %>

<%= render :partial => "purchaser_location2", :locals => {:purchaser_country_id => purchaser_country_id, :purchaser_zipcode => ''} %>
  <p><label for="order_purchaser_city">City</label><br/>
  <%= text_field 'order', 'purchaser_city', :size => 50  %></p>

If one of the fields is a literal it works : for example -


Any help appreciated.



I had the same problem up until a couple of minutes ago. Try this:

with =>



Thanks for that : I managed to resolve this last night (with the same
solution) after some help on the RoR chat forum.

Thanks very much.
