Passing keyword arguments

Lets say I have a method using the not-so-uncommon keyword options

def foo(*args)
opts = (Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {})

Now I want to define another method, which is essentially a special
alias, that places a particular option as the first argument:

def bar(opt, *args)
foo(*args, :baz => opt) # doesn’t work.

Is there no better way to do this than:

def bar(opt, *args)
opts = (Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {})
opts[:baz] = opt
args << opts

Boy, it really makes you wish we had keyword arguments built-in to the
language!!! I forget, will we have those in 1.9? If so how the above
look then?


On Nov 3, 2007 1:27 AM, Trans [email protected] wrote:

Lets say I have a method using the not-so-uncommon keyword options

def foo(*args)
opts = (Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {})

Hi Tom

irb(main):001:0> def foo *args
irb(main):002:1> opts, args = args.partition{|x| Hash === x }
irb(main):003:1> opts = opts.inject{ |s,x| s.update x }

seems this should do the trick


Now I want to define another method, which is essentially a special
alias, that places a particular option as the first argument:

def bar(opt, *args)
foo(*args, :baz => opt) # doesn’t work.

now it does , almost
foo( :baz => opt, *args)


Boy, it really makes you wish we had keyword arguments built-in to the
language!!! I forget, will we have those in 1.9? If so how the above
look then?
Yes indeed I wished for them for a long time :wink:

On Nov 3, 4:47 am, “Robert D.” [email protected] wrote:

irb(main):001:0> def foo *args

def bar(opt, *args)
foo(*args, :baz => opt) # doesn’t work.

now it does , almost
foo( :baz => opt, *args)

Interesting approach. Thanks.


On Nov 2, 8:27 pm, [email protected] wrote:

def bar(opt, *args)

Boy, it really makes you wish we had keyword arguments built-in to the
language!!! I forget, will we have those in 1.9? If so how the above
look then?

How flexible do you need to be with the argument handling? Would
something like the following work?

def foo a, b=‘default’, opts={}
puts “a is #{a}, b is #{b}”
opts.each {|k,v| puts “#{k} => #{v}”}
puts ‘-’*10

def bar opt, a, b=‘default2’, opts={}
foo a, b, opts.merge!({:baz => opt})

foo 1
foo 2, ‘foo’
foo 3, ‘foo’, :opt1 => ‘one’, :opt2 => ‘two’
bar ‘extra’, 4
bar ‘extra’, 5, ‘bar’, :opt1 => ‘one’, :opt2 => ‘two’

Brian A.

Robert D. wrote:

On Nov 3, 2007 1:27 AM, Trans [email protected] wrote:

Lets say I have a method using the not-so-uncommon keyword options

def foo(*args)
opts = (Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {})

Hi Tom

irb(main):001:0> def foo *args
irb(main):002:1> opts, args = args.partition{|x| Hash === x }
irb(main):003:1> opts = opts.inject{ |s,x| s.update x }

seems this should do the trick


Why not simply:

def foo(*args)
opts = args[0]
args = args[1…-1]

p opts, args

def bar(opt, *args)
foo(:baz =>opt, *args)
foo(:baz =>opt, :other => ‘pie’, *args)

bar(10, 20, 30)

[20, 30]

{:baz=>10, :other=>“pie”}
[20, 30]

On Nov 4, 2007 1:12 AM, 7stud – [email protected] wrote:

irb(main):001:0> def foo *args
args = args[1…-1]
bar(10, 20, 30)

[20, 30]

{:baz=>10, :other=>“pie”}
[20, 30]
because it does not work, try
bar( 1, 2, 3, :a=> 42)
And putting kw params before positionals is too unusual to be likely
to be used a lot :frowning:
my solution is ugly because you have to exactly that but it is at
least hidden from the users of foo and bar.


On Nov 3, 8:50 pm, Brian A. [email protected] wrote:

foo a, b, opts.merge!({:baz => opt})

Problem is I need *args (an untold amount).
