Passing args from within method_missing


I have an hash of code blocks(procs?), @styles, and am trying to call
these using method missing. Problem is, some take one argument, and
others take two, and I can’t seem to pass args to them without if
being passed as an array

Here’s the method_missing code

def method_missing style_type, *args
case args.size
when 1 : @styles [style_type].call(args[0])
when 2 : @styles [style_type].call(args[0], args[1])

I’m sure there’s a way for me to get rid of the case statement, but
if I try
@styles [style_type].call(args) it just gets sent an array.

Question is, how do I send the contents of the args array?

I realise I should probably have a means of dealing with a genuine
method_missing. What’s the ‘ruby way’ of doing this? if I call
method_missing again, wont I end in a recursive mess?

Is this making any sense?


Sharon P. wrote:

@styles [style_type].call(args) it just gets sent an array.

Isn’t “@styles [style_type].call(*args)” what you are looking for?

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner

def method_missing style_type, *args

I hope this helps

Certainly does. I knew it would be something simple, just couldn’t
figure it out and my Pickaxe is at work…

Thanks heaps Stefano and Wolfgang

Alle mercoledì 13 giugno 2007, Sharon P. ha scritto:

 case args.size

Question is, how do I send the contents of the args array?

I realise I should probably have a means of dealing with a genuine
method_missing. What’s the ‘ruby way’ of doing this? if I call
method_missing again, wont I end in a recursive mess?

Is this making any sense?


def method_missing style_type, *args

I hope this helps


On 6/13/07, Sharon P. [email protected] wrote:

I’m sure there’s a way for me to get rid of the case statement, but
if I try
@styles [style_type].call(args) it just gets sent an array.

Question is, how do I send the contents of the args array?

I realise I should probably have a means of dealing with a genuine
method_missing. What’s the ‘ruby way’ of doing this? if I call
method_missing again, wont I end in a recursive mess?

def method_missing(symbol, *args)
if prc = @styles[symbol]*args)

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

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