Pass text_field_with_auto_complete value into link_to_remote

please any one tell me how can i pass the
text_field_with_auto_complete value into link_to_remote in view. Here
are the coding in view .
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :game, :title%>

link_to_remote(“Find”, :url => {:controller => ‘account’, :action =>
“findyourgame”},:with =>"‘game[title]=’$(‘game_title’).value")

In my account controller : i have a action called “findyougame”

def findyourgame
## i here couldn’t get the value like params[:game][:title].

Can any one please tell me how can i pass the text value and get in my
controller by using link_to_remote. not form submit.

On 19 Nov 2008, at 13:54, Palani K. wrote:

please any one tell me how can i pass the
text_field_with_auto_complete value into link_to_remote in view. Here
are the coding in view .
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :game, :title%>

link_to_remote(“Find”, :url => {:controller => ‘account’, :action =>
“findyourgame”},:with =>"‘game[title]=’$(‘game_title’).value")

Your with clause is messed up (it needs to be syntactically correct
javascript). You’re probably get a javascript error somewhere when you
click on the link.
Something like “‘game[title]=’ + $(‘game_title’).value”
would probably work better.
