Pass session value in database field

Hello -

Noobie question I’m sure…

I’m trying to pass a session value to a database field ‘user’ when the
user creates a new blog entry. The session value is created when the
user logs on to the site. I have this in the view to create a new
blog entry:

<%= f.text_field :user, :value => session[:name], :disabled => true

but it fails validation when I create the entry
(validates_presence_of :user). Is there a way for me to store the
session value into my database field ‘user’ when the user creates the
new entry (and prevent the user from manipulating the value)?

Many thanks,

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 7:51 PM, Mark [email protected] wrote:

Is there a way for me to store the
session value into my database field ‘user’ when the user creates the
new entry (and prevent the user from manipulating the value)?

You can add stuff to the incoming “params” hash using merge.

@user = User.find( session[:user_id] )

params[:blog].merge( :user => @user ) if @user

Blog.create!( params[:blog] )

Greg D.

On Sep 17, 1:51 am, Mark [email protected] wrote:


but it fails validation when I create the entry
(validates_presence_of :user). Is there a way for me to store the

Disabled form elements are not submitted by the browser. Even if this
did work it would only stop the most casual of users form editing the
submitted data.
Why not do (in your controller’s create method) =
session[:name] ?


That did it. Thanks!

On Sep 16, 8:08 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]