Pass ruby array to javascript function

Im wondering how to go about passing a ruby array to a javascript
function. I was able to do this the other way around and pass a
javascript array to an action using JSON and convert it back to a ruby

Object.toJSON(<%= array_or_string_for_javascript(@array) %>

then in the action I was able to do:

ruby_array = JSON.parse(params[:array])

But this time I want to pass an array to a javascript function through
a function call within :update

    render :update do |page|
      page << "setTime(#{time})"

where setTime is the javascript function and time is the ruby array.
I can pass a number and it works fine, but with strings and arrays I
get an error. How would I go about passing a ruby array to a
javascript function in this context? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Nevermind, I figured it out: array.to_json works just fine. Way
simpler than I thought.