
I’m trying to render a partial but i recive an unexpected result.
why isn’t the id of the menupage isn’t generated in the link ?

here is the code :
controller :

@menupages = @site.pages
@menupages = Page.find(:all)
render :layout => @templatename

rhtml :

    <%= render( :partial => ‘page/menu’, :collection => @menupages
    ) %>

partial :

  • <%= link_to( ‘Link’, { :action => ‘view’, :id => @menupage },
    :class => “current” ) %>
  • and the result HTML:

    On 8 Dec 2007, at 19:48, Gady S. wrote:


    The item of the collection being iterated over is menupage, not
    @menupage (which is nil)


    Frederick C. wrote:

    On 8 Dec 2007, at 19:48, Gady S. wrote:


    The item of the collection being iterated over is menupage, not
    @menupage (which is nil)


    I tried to change the line to :
    <%= link_to( ‘Link1’, { :action => ‘view’, :id => menupage }, :class =>
    “current” ) %>

    but all i got is :
    undefined local variable or method `menupage’ for

    what am I doing wrong ?

    On 8 Dec 2007, at 20:23, Gady S. wrote:

    I tried to change the line to :
    <%= link_to( ‘Link1’, { :action => ‘view’, :id => menupage }, :class
    “current” ) %>

    but all i got is :
    undefined local variable or method `menupage’ for

    Oops i’d assumed your partial was called menupage, which it isn’t.
    It’s called menu, so that’s the name of the local variables.
