Partial GSUB match / replacement

I need to match a somewhat complicated match using gsub, then modify
part of it, leaving the rest intact

for example, replacing

this is the closest answer I can come up with
gsub /(url([‘"]?)([^)’“]+)(['”]?))/, “\1#{”\2".capitalize}\3"
gsub /(url([‘"]?)([^)’“]+)(['”]?))/, “\1\2.capitalize\3”
but neither of these solutions work

It doen’t have to be with gsub, I just thought this would be the most
straightforward way



On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 1:04 AM, Shea B. [email protected] wrote:

gsub /(url([‘"]?)([^)’“]+)(['”]?))/, “\1\2.capitalize\3”
but neither of these solutions work

It doen’t have to be with gsub, I just thought this would be the most
straightforward way


You can use a block with gsub, where the back-references are
accessible via the $1, $2, etc:


Note that I replaced #capitalize with #upcase to upcase all characters
not just the first one.


You can use following regexp:
string.gsub!(/(url([‘“]?)(.+?)([”’]?))/) { “#{$1}#{$2.upcase}#{$3}” }

It is similar to yours with two differences:

  1. I’m using (.+?)
    question mark here means that + is no longer greedy, it will match only
    to the point where next element in regexp is detected: and in your case
    that is either ", ’ or )

  2. You cannot use functions on references like “\2.capitalize” or
    “\2”.capitalize. It is just enterpreted as string. If you want to get
    matches as actual string representations, you should use a block.

[class String - RDoc Documentation]

hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks a bunch

Although the last example by w_a_x_man looks efficient and simpler, I
needed a very specific match, as it actually matching
( and not even considering the url, then just
trying to capitalize the parentheses.

I went with
“url(”.sub /(url([‘"]?)([^)’“]+)(['”]?))/,

Actually I’m having a bit more trouble.

When I use css.gsub /(url([’"]?)([^)’"]+)([’"]?))/,

on a block of css, what happens is, every instance of url(…), gets
replaced with the upcase of the last instance of it.

body {
background: url(/images/site_background.png)
p {
background: url(/images/image.png);
margin-left: 10px;
body {
background: url(/IMAGES/IMAGE.PNG)
p {
background: url(/IMAGES/IMAGE.PNG);
margin-left: 10px;

On Nov 20, 5:04pm, Shea B. [email protected] wrote:


Posted via

“url(”.sub( /(.*?)/ ){|s| s.upcase}

My bad. had to put the replacement string in a block

css.gsub(/(url([’"]?)([^)’"]+)([’"]?))/) {"#{$1}#{$2.upcase}#{$3}"}